Black All Year

Black All Year - Black Maternal Lives Matter

Black All Year Season 1 Episode 6

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In this just for podcast episode we discuss the huge disparities between the maternity outcomes and experiences of Black and minoritised women in the UK and their White counterparts.

Amneet Graham, Patrice Dantzie and Afshan Ali all bring their knowledge, expertise and passion to highlight the issues and to talk about what needs to be done to reduce or remove this health inequality.

Amneet Graham is the project manager for Community of Cultures Project, run by Sheffield Maternity Cooperative. Former Chair of the Newcastle Maternity Voices Partnership, founder of Willows Rainbow Box, author of Understanding South Asian Baby Loss and an advocate for addressing inequalities in maternity. (

Patrice Dantzie is a facilitator for the Community of Cultures Project Cultural Competency Training. She is also a trainee counsellor who will be specialising in perinatal mental health and is a bereavement support services officer for SANDS baby loss charity.

 Afshan Ali is a midwife in the North East of England and prior to that worked in law for eight years. She is passionate about addressing maternal health inequalities and is also a facilitator for the Community of Cultures Project Cultural Competency Training.

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Original music by Wayne C McDonald, #ActorSlashDJ

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